We Love The Orwigsburg PA Community

Being located in a very small area with abundances of friendly residents who truly care about their neighbors, makes us extremely proud to call our Orwigsburg PA community home to Sunrise Storage. The month of August for us is all about focusing on what makes our neighborhood so great! The businesses, beautiful sites to see and the tasty food to try, all make up what we love about our town.

Sunrise Storage Map

Our Community

Orwigsburg PA is a microcosm of small-town USA. Made up of hard-working people that believe you are entitled to what you earn. Although this is a small town, the community is extremely diverse. The people in our township believe that all people matter; regardless of religion, race, or gender. When a member of our community is struggling with problems such as health, family or just the pitfalls of life that affect all of us; organizations and churches provide assistance. The residents of Orwigsburg PA really take pride in their hometown and it shows!

Eateries, Resturants, And More!

The Inn of Orwigsburg
Orwigsburg Inn

Local Favorite Businesses Of Our Store Manager…

Our Orwigsburg PA community is a close neighborhood in residential relation. Sunrise Storage is very prideful in being a part of such an affluent area. Our storage facility can be the solution to any of your storage needs. Whether you are moving to a new home or you just need a place to store your seasonal decorations, we are the storage facility for you! Locate your self-storage unit online in Orwigsburg PA. Afterward, allow yourself to check out out the township and see what it has in store for you.

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Tim Glasow

About the Author: Tim is the SEO Manager at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. He is a self-storage industry specialist who has written about everything from storage advice and helpful resources to industry trends. In his free time, Tim enjoys sampling craft beer and exploring the local music scene.